Hoy, para las clases, pote por darle un nuevo chance a Octavo (a y b) y no, nada que andan, son irrespetuosos y ya gaste varios de mis cartuchos... y nada. Tocara utilizar el conducto regular, a ver como demonios se calman o no. Pero ahora debo hablar del colegio, brevemente: es chevere, me siento a gusto, la acogida ha sido preciosa. Pero en ultimas el reconocimiento se lo gana un ninia de provincia, que me para bolas, me aguanta y sobre todo, me ha ayudado como nadie. A ella le debo parte del sentimiento de hogar que percibo ahora. A ella le debo mas de lo que me gusta aceptar. Que bueno es creer que aun hay gente asi, hermosa, por conocer y reconocer. Lo que me encanta de ella es que nos pareceos mucho y eso tampoco se lo voy a aceptar, al menos no pronto.
Esta manniana, mientras pasaba mis ojos sobre el asunto de un mail que decia: amazonia gringa. Asi de bien esta la vaina, no con el Amazonas, la vaina con mis ojos.
Para terminar hoy, la letra de una cancion... mas la cancion que la letra, pero me gusta:
Our Velocity (Maximo Park)
I’m not a man, I’m a machine
Chisel me down until I am clean
I buy books, I never read
And then (I’ll) tell you some more about me
Beneath the concrete there’s a sound
A muffled cry below the ground
There is a poison in the air
A mix of chemicals and fear
Mama, i've just hunches
I’m not sure what they mean
You’re asking for commitment
When I’m somewhere in between
Never, never try to guage temperature
When you tend to travel at such speed
It's our velocity
Is it cold where you are this time of year?
You didn’t leave a scar
A stream of numbers hit a screen
And you’re expected to know what they mean
throughout the conflict I was serene
I can't outrun the sadness I’ve seen
Are you willing to resist
For people you’ve never met
The devil's wheel revolves
But it needs to be reset
Never, never try to guage temperature
When you tend to travel at such speed
It's our velocity
Please tell me
Is it cold where you are this time of year?
You didn’t leave a scar
I’ve got no one to call
In the middle of the night anymore
I’m just alone
With these thoughts
I’ve got no one to call
In the middle of the night anymore
I’m just alone
With my thoughts
I watched a film to change my feelings
Strong enough to bear a burden
If everyone became this sensitive
I wouldn’t have to be so sensitive
If everyone became so sensitive
I wouldn’t have to be so sensitive
Love is a lie, which means I've been lied to,
Love is a lie, which means I've been lied to,
Love is a lie, which means I've been lied to,
I’ve got no one to call
In the middle of the night anymore
I’m just alone
With these thoughts
I’ve got no one to call
In the middle of the night anymore
I’m just alone
With my thoughts
Never, never try to guage temperature
When you tend to travel at such speed
It's our velocity